Conga Community
Watch a video tour of the Community or browse the FAQs below to get your questions answered.
Customer Community FAQs
How do I submit a support case?
- Log in to the Conga Community here.
To submit cases and view the case dashboard, you must be a designated Super-User and be logged into the Conga Community.
- Go to: https://community.conga.com/s/case-management OR on the Conga Community home page, select Support on the top menu.
- On the Case management page, click Open a case.
- After submittal, you will be directed to the case details page and receive a confirmation email from Conga Support (support@conga.com) that includes your case number and severity level.
- Log in to the Conga Community here.
What if I do not have a Salesforce standard license? Can I still access the Customer Community?
Please use one of the recommended authenticators and register as a general user. Please contact and consult with your own internal IT department to see what alternative access methods they support and recommend.
I tried to rest my password, but I never received an email. How can I get help?
First, please ensure the email isn't in a spam filter. Your password reset instructions should arrive in your inbox within 15 minutes. If you require additional assistance, please email community@conga.com or call Conga Support at 866-502-3334.
I’m locked out of Conga Customer Community. How can I get reengaged?
As a security precaution, after three failed login attempts, users will be locked out. Once locked out, the system will notify our internal teams who will reset your access and reissue an email from community@conga.com with your username and login procedure. Please check your inbox and follow the login process and ensure that you're using the correct username provided in the email.
I’m located outside the United States. Are there local access numbers I can use to contact Support?
Yes. See below:
Monday-Friday: 8:00am to 7:00pm PT
866-502-3334 (toll-free)
Monday–Friday: 7:00 – 18:00 GMT
+44 (0) 203-608-0165APAC
Monday-Friday: 7:00am – 6:00pm AEDT
+61 2 8417 2399
General FAQs
Will my support level entitlements change?
No. You’ll continue to receive the same support and entitlements as you do today. At time of renewal, you will be able to select one of our new options.
I don’t see the web form anymore, where can I find it?
Customers are being directed to the Conga Customer Community where they will be able to file and manage cases. Please bookmark this page and visit the customer community frequently and engage with product specialists and other revenue/contract operations professionals.
Can I send an email to open a case?
No. To enhance the customer experience and ensure that we get all the necessary information to successfully resolve the concern, all cases will be submitted via the Customer Community. In order to submit a case, you must be a designated admin or support contact for your company.
When submitting a case, I don’t see severities P0-P4, how do I know which severity to use?
We are moving to an industry best practice of severities. The following is a suggested mapping to help you select the right one:
Priority Severance P0 Sev 1 P1/P2 Sev 2 P3 Sev 3 P4 Sev 4 Level 1 – Critical: Critical production issue affecting all users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues with no workaround available.
Level 2 – Urgent: Major functionality is impacted or significant performance degradation is experienced. Issue is persistent and affects many users and/or major functionality. No reasonable workaround available. Also includes time-sensitive requests such as requests for feature activation or a data export.
Level 3 – High: System performance issue or bug affecting some but not all users. Short-term workaround is available, but not scalable.
Level 4 – Medium: Inquiry regarding a routine technical issue; information requested on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration; bug affecting a small number of users.
Does everyone have access to file cases?
Conga admins or support contacts will have ability to file cases on behalf of your organization. If you’re not one of these users, please reach out internally to your contact.
What are case collaborators?
They're colleagues like an admin or support contact who can add to a case, so they get they updates at the same time as the case contact. They're also able to respond to emails and provide details to assist in getting cases resolved quickly.
Will I be able to see my previous cases?
Yes. All cases will be moved to the new Conga Customer Community. You’ll be able to see cases you and your colleagues submit on behalf of your organization. View your cases here. Once logged in, you can also select from the main menu: Support > Cases.
If I have ideas for product enhancements, can I submit those in the community?
Yes! We value our customers’ feedback, and as part of the product enhancement process you can submit those ideas within our Customer Community.
If I need help, but it is not a technical support issue, who do I contact?
Our team of experienced experts are here to help you with any questions you have. At the bottom of each Customer Community page is a help button—our Customer Success team is just a click away.
Open the get help wizard directly by logging in and then pasting this link into your browser: https://community.conga.com/s/get-help.
What should I do if I'm having trouble logging a support case?
If you are having difficulty logging a case, please call us toll-free at 866-502-3334.