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How to build a digital transformation strategy complete with eSignature 

1 min read

Capture electronic signatures while increasing security and boosting speed with Conga Sign.

In this download, we'll cover:

The importance of eSignature in a digital document transformation (DDX) strategy
Improving the customer experience with eSignature
How to instantly get the secure digital signatures you need


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The digital evolution  

Is your company still using paper and ink? These days, most companies are setting pen and paper aside and putting a digital transformation (DX) strategy into place. They know that including a digital document transformation (DDX) strategy is a key part of the process and can create measurable, game-changing success. Yet, many still need to work on one of the fundamentals: eSignature. What about your company? Where are you on your DX journey? 

Small steps, big gains 

While a complete, end-to-end document transformation is the ultimate goal, small steps can improve the customer and organization’s document experience. Replacing ink with eSignature is an easy change that leads to significant gains. 

Conga Sign, our eSignature solution, can help your business build a user-friendly digital transformation strategy that works. 

The state of digital transformation 

Conga surveyed 2,400 decision makers and influencers. Here’s what they said: 

  • 97% have a DX strategy in place today. Of those, only 79% have implemented/are implementing eSignatures 
  • 36% still sign business documents and contracts with ink 

Capture eSignatures at every step 

Quickly secure the electronic signatures you need with Conga Sign. Whether you’re sending out NDAs during the proposal process, closing in on contract negotiations, fulfilling product and service obligations, or renewing future agreements—know you have compliance and security in place to instantly get the signatures you need.  

Ready to take the first step? Download the infographic above or book your demo of Conga Sign today.